He started teaching detailers how to market their business. Starting a YouTube channel called Grind Time T.V. In the process he started Team Beast Mode Detailing. A group of master marketers and detailers, to not just take over the state but the entire world. Prince also created his own water less wash and began distribution of it. Knowing that there was a lack in auto detailing marketing material he quickly started creating his own audible books, E-books, chemical lines, clothes, websites and apps to help detailers around the world.
About Ty Prince and Team Beast Mode Detailing
Ty Prince the owner of Team Beast Mode Detailing, started his business in the winter of one of the worst recessions in the U.S history. Despite the circumstances he pressed on. Opening his first shop in 6 months of detailing. Already a good salesman Prince used his talent to the best of his ability. But the world was changing and now there was a whole new way of getting customers for his now starving business. Slowly learning the ways of online marketing he began to grow. Becoming one of the largest mobile detailing companies in North Carolina. But he wasn't satisfied until he could successfully take over the entire state. Not knowing how many vehicles were in the state of North Carolina, he quickly fell, only to rise again to start teaching his methods to detailers all across the country and world. Even though he failed at taking over the state by the lack of help, he knew that the average detailing guy couldn't take over his own city.