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     Detail Headquarters Inc. is a the national leader in mobile automotive detailing. We work with independentmobile detailing companies like yourself all across the United States offering you a FREE and convenient way to grow your mobile detailing business. There are many benefits to working with us including receiving new FREE customers, FREE detail jobs, streamlined scheduling, no advertising costs and reduced office staffing expenses. Once entered into our FREE program we will send you customers who have scheduled and requested detail services in your area. These appointments are already scheduled, set with a date and arrival time window, so they're ready to go; All you have to do is show up! 

These customers pay us directly for using our service so there is no cost to you to be a part of our Preferred Detailer program. We have specific detail packages and prices already set forth and purchased by our customers. Although most detail services are generally very similar, we do itemize what is included with each detail to make sure the customer and the detailer (you) know exactly what services are included. Please make sure to complete all the services in the itemized list. You can click on the info icon for each detailing package for detailed information about what services to perform. When you're contacting and working with a customer, please let them know that you work with Detail Headquarters Inc. This will help eliminate any confusion for the customer.

Mobile Detail


 The customer doesn't pay you for the detail, we do.  Taking payment from the customer for services provided (besides up-sale items) will be cause for termination from our program. You're always welcome to up-sale a customer on additional services that you offer and tips are also 100% yours. All payments are from us (Detail Headquarters Inc) and are made very quickly. Please set up your PayPal account via the "My Profile" page for immediate payments (or you may opt into old school paper checks). For more information on payments go to "Payment FAQs".

After you've completed the detail, go to your "Active Jobs" and mark the job as completed and upload your job completion form. If you couldn't get the completion form signed, you'll still get paid, however, payment will be delayed until we can verify with the customer that the job was completed. We will then process your payment for the detail.

Here is a small list of DOs and DONTs:


  • Don't tell or show the customer what your being paid for a job.

  • Don't downgrade the customer's service and tell them it will be less. If you do, your payment will be lowered equally to your discount/price adjustment you offered the customer.

  • Don't tell a customer their final bill. Rather, if you have and extra dirty charge that's added to their bill, tell them "it's going to be $20 extra" (or what ever amount you guys agree on).

  • Don't negotiate their bill or service with them. If there is a problem with their billing, contact us immediately.

  • Don't tell customers if it's your first job with us.

  • Don't rely on the customer to tell you what service you're supposed to perform.

  • Don't leave literature, business cards, etc with the customer that has your contact information or your pricing information.

  • Don't say "well I would have only charged this much".

DOs -

  • Do let the customer know you're with Team Beast Mode Detailing.

  • If a customer asks what their bill is, say "I'm sorry, I don't have access to your billing information, please contact Team Beast Mode Detailing or refer to your confirmation email".

  • Do have them look over the vehicle before you leave to avoid quality issues and have them sign the completion form.

  • Do call the customer AHEAD of time if you're going to be running late.










We look forward to establishing a long-term mutually beneficial business relationship with you. 


We take professionalism and punctuality very seriously and we know you'll treat both of our customers with the same courtesy. We have each customer review the service that you provide via e-mail. The more positive reviews we receive about your service, the more details we will send your way. Bad customer reviews and missed appointments will reduce the number of details we will send you or even disqualification from our program.

 If an EMERGENCY arises and you're unable to perform a detail that you've accepted, please attempt to reschedule directly with the customer.

If the customer is unable to reschedule please let them know we will still accommodate their detail request and contact your Detail Headquarters representative immediately. Please note that people can’t always reschedule and they may end up canceling, then we both lose this person as a customer. So always try your best to meet the original scheduled appointment.

 Please, do not take on a detail if you're not able to complete the requested detail service on the date, time and for the bid submitted. Failure to complete each detail job successfully may result in being removed from our program. We understand that there are certain uncontrollable circumstances that may arise, requiring you to have to reschedule the appointment with the customer (weather conditions, equipment problems, etc).

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